
Finansinės nepriklausomybės link


2021 metų finansinis progresas. Viskas į NT

Daugiau negu pusmetį nerašiau apie tai, tačiau atėjo metas. Ilgai nerašysiu, nes daug stebluklų nuo Balanio mėn. nebuvo. Beveik mano visos išlaidos (o gal investicijos), savotiškai ėjo į NT pirkimą ir jo gerinimą. Ateityje, keičiantis gyvenimo būdui (pvz. šeima), šį būstą neparduosiu, o bus mano tikroji investicija iš nuomos ir vertės didėjimo. Dėl to gana dabar sunku man nuspręsti ar NT įtraukti į savo portfolio ar ne. Aš manau, kad ateityje jo neįtraukinėsiu, nebent kartą į metus ar pusmetį. Nors Mr.BM pas save nt įtraukė. Be NT mano šie metai nėra niekom įspūdingi, gal net žalingi, todėl šie met stengsiuosi tai ištaisyti.

Taigi mano portfolio 2021 atrodytų taip:

Atrodo įspūdingai kilimas, ane? Kai padariau sandorį ir "užfiksavau" kainą iki dabar vidutiniškai VIlniuje būstai pabrango per 20%+. Savo valdomo NT vertę skaičiavau taip: tikėtina pardavimo kaina - būsto skola bankui + gražinta būsto skola bankui = tiek pinigų turėčiau pardavęs būstą. Kad nebūtų labai iš oro tikėtina pardavimo kaina, ta kainą ėmiau iš Untu DB, taip pat pažvelgęs aplinkui esančius panašius, kone indentiškus butus, matau, kad kiti net nori +18 000€ daugiau už savo turtą negu aš.

Lapkričio mėnesį praleidau, nes atostogavau. O Gruodį buvo kripto nuvertėjimas, taip pat ir kitos investicijos neblogai nuvertėjo.


  1. HenryDrisp

    Geriausias internetinis darbas pensininkams. Padarykite savo senus amžius turtingus.

    2 years ago
  2. CynthiaIntaw

    How to help Ukraine and its people stand against Putin and the Russian WAR!!!! For volunteers and organizations in other countries who are collecting supplies to deliver to Ukraine, contains the information about what supplies are needed the most, the address of the drop-off center, and instructions for how to pack medical supplies. English version of the website is temporarily unavailable, but you may find their 24/7 call-center phone numbers as well as the address of the drop-off center in Poland at the bottom of the webpage.

    This document provides information about volunteers across Europe who are collecting supplies for your region or nearby regions. If you would like to donate to these groups or offer your help, please connect with them directly.

    Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has ordered a military attack that continues to claim the lives of innocent and peaceful Ukrainian citizens.

    The situation in Ukraine is dire and urgent, which is why we must commit to helping Ukrainian non-profits and charities conduct relief efforts. One of the most effective ways to help Ukraine and its citizens is donating to Ukrainian relief and humanitarian efforts. Right now, the people of Ukraine are facing an unprecedented attack on their country, freedoms, and families. We have compiled a list of trusted and verified Ukrainian non-profits who need funds to help children, families, and local citizens mitigate the violent attacks Russia has unleashed. 100% of your donation will go to local Ukrainian non-profits and relief efforts. Don’t forget to share this page with your friends, family, and social networks after donating.

    Please consider donating anything you can to the following Ukrainian non-profits — they are counting on our support during one of the darkest hours in recent history. Attention: there is a shortage of critical non-lethal army supplies in Ukraine - body armor vests, helmets, radios, first aid kits, etc. All body armor vests that were in Ukraine have already been given to the army. One of the best ways to help right now is to support volunteers outside of Ukraine who are collecting the necessary supplies in their countries and delivering them directly to the Ukrainian volunteers at the border. If you can, please consider donating to this fundraiser in Poland. They have just delivered the first batch of critical supplies: helmets (210 pcs) and vests (70 pcs) to Ukraine. The donations are collected in Poland zloty currency, 10 USD ~ 41 zl (PLN). Your bank will do the currency conversion automatically. The website is in Polish and the interface is not quite intuitive, the easiest way to make a payment may be to open the link on your computer and use Google translate in Chrome. If you are a business or an individual located in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, or Romania and willing to help collecting supplies that are most needed in Ukraine right now, please fill out this form. We will contact you and help to coordinate reception at the Ukrainian border. This document contains a list of supplies that are needed the most at this time. Urgent humanitarian help for Ukraine

    2 years ago
  3. Anikagype

    Ηellо аll, guys! I knоw, my meѕsage maу be tоo spеcific, But my ѕister fоund nice mаn here аnd thеу mаrried, sо how about mе?ǃ :) I am 24 уеars old, Аnіka, frоm Rоmаnіа, Ι knоw Εnglіѕh and Gеrman languаgеѕ alѕо Аnd... Ι hаvе sресіfіc disеaѕе, nаmed nуmphоmaniа. Ԝho know whаt is thiѕ, саn undеrѕtаnd me (better to ѕay it immedіаtеly) Аh уеs, I соok vеrу taѕtу! and I lоvе nоt only сoоk ;)) Im reаl girl, nоt рrostіtute, and loоkіng fоr ѕerіоus аnd hоt relationshiр... Anуwаy, уоu cаn find mу рrofilе hеrе:

    2 years ago

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